Jesuit Priests throughout the World
Part 1
Fr. Sherman, SJ shares his experiences as a priest and teacher in Korea and Zimbabwe.
Part 2
Fr. Sherman, SJ discusses the courses that he teaches at the Gregorian University, his thoughts on the current on theology and philosophy as they are taught currently in the United States, as well as his perspective on the state of philosophy formation in the US.
Part 3
Fr. Sherman, SJ speaks on the differences between the theological approaches of both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict, as well as his vocation story.
Fr. João J. Vila-Chã, S.J.
Part 1
Fr. Bill and Fr. João discuss the production of his documentary, ``Triumph of the Spirit - On the Christian Roots of Europe``; political division in the United States with the ANTIFA movement and Marxist ideologies and Fr. João's experience in his own country living in a time of political revolution;
Part 2
8Fr. Bill and Fr. João discuss the topic of intersectionality and the role of technology in shaping the human person in light of the recent Congressional hearings on technology with Amazon, Apple, Google, and facebook;
Part 3
Fr. Bill and Fr. João discuss the resignation of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and also speak on the former Jesuit General, now Servant of God, Fr. Pedro Arrupe, and Fr. João's personal experience with Fr. Arrupe.
Fr. Colleen Dinladzer Nsame, S.J.
Part 1
Fr. Bill and Fr. Colleen discuss his experience growing up in Cameroon including some key points of its history.
Part 2
Fr. Colleen shares his conversion story and experiences that he had as a young Jesuit that helped to form him into the priest he is today and what he hopes to do with his degree from Seattle University
Part 3
Fr. Bill and Fr. Colleen speak on the United States and its political realities including Fr. Colleen's thoughts and assessment on racism in the United States. Finally, Fr. Colleen shares the most powerful spiritual experience of his life and its impact.
Fr. Gregory D. Vance, S.J.
Part 1
Fr. Vance shares his vocation story, educational background, with a keen interest in the portrayal spirituality and the Catholic Church in popular culture.
Part 2
Fr. Vance speaks on his vocation and training as an exorcist.
Part 3
Fr. Vance speaks about the practical aspects of exorcisms and when situations may call for an exorcist, his perspective on evil and where we are in the world in regard to the manifistations of the demonic.
Fr. Anthony R. Lusvardi, S.J.
Part 1
Fr. Lusvardi discusses his literary and academic background.
Part 2
In the second part of the interview, Fr. Lusvardi speaks on his pastoral, missionary, and volunteer work in Kazakhstan and Africa. Fr. Lusvardi also recalls some highlights in his life since entering the Society of Jesus.
Part 3
In the third and final part of the interview, Fr. Lusvardi speaks on the challenges for people today in forming their conscience. He also discusses the Eucharist in our society today, and where he sees his academic work taking him in the future.
Fr. Anthony R. Lusvardi, S.J.
Part 1
Fr. Horn discusses the formation of IPF, including the key players and co-founders.
Part 2
In the second part of the interview, Fr. Horn discusses masculinity in our present world, gender-ideology, combating fear, and the role of God the Father in our lives.
Part 3
In the third and final part of the interview, Fr. Horn shares his personal life including his favorite book that he has written, personal spiritual experiences, and his vocation to the priesthood and the Society of Jesus.
Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.
Part 1
Fr. William Watson, SJ sits down with Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J. in part-one of a two-part interview. In this first installment, Fr. Fessio shares the story of his faith and growing up in the Church in the 1940s and 1950s, his vocation to the priesthood, his thoughts on the abuse crisis in the Church, and his analysis as to the root of the crisis. Finally, Fr. Fessio discusses his relationship with Cardinal Pell who was charged and then acquitted ted of any crimes for malfeasance with underage adults in Australia.
Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.
Part 2
Part Two of Fr. Bill Watson, S.J.'s interview with Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J., founder of the highly successful and very influential Ignatius Press.
In Part Two, Fr. Fessio shares his experiences in France, his friendships with Andre de Lubac, and Fr. Ratzinger, as well as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's papacy.
In the second segment of Part Two, Fr. Fessio discusses the differences between Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar, the resignation of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, and his thoughts and reflections upon turning 80 years old this month: his accomplishments and current aspirations.
Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., PhD
Part 1
Your host, Fr. William Watson, S.J., sits down with Fr. Robert Spitzer of the Society of Jesus to discuss his family background, where he grew up, his career aspirations, and ultimately his vocation to the priesthood.
Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., PhD
Part 2
In the second part of his interview, Fr. Robert Spitzer, SJ talks about his:.
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Part 1
In the first part of the interview, Fr. Mitch shares the early years in his life, vocation, and priestly formation.
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Part- 2
In the first part of the interview, Fr. Mitch speaks on his experiences with the new age movement, and his experiences with Mother Angelica and EWTN.
Fr. Trung Pham, SJ, MFA
Part 1
Fr. Bill sits down with Fr. Trung Pham of the Society of Jesus. Fr. Trung has a master in fine arts and speaks about his life in Vietnam and immigrating to the United States, as well as his vocation story and his pursuance of art both personally and professionally.
Fr. Trung Pham, SJ, MFA
Part 2
Fr. Bill returns with Fr. Trung Pham of the Society of Jesus and special guest, Sister Thu Hai, to speak about the Catholic Church in Vietnam today and the tremendous faith of Catholics and their struggles that are being realized there.
Fr. Jean Baptiste Ganza, SJ
Fr. Bill sits down with Fr. Ganza, where he shares the story of struggles in his home country of Rwanda, his vocation and accomplishments as a priest, and the current state of Rwanda today.
Fr. David E. Nazar, S.J., Ph.D.
Fr. Nazar speaks on the story of his vocation, his experiences as a Jesuit and a priest in working with different peoples to help them realize their faith through the beauty of their culture, and his work in Ukraine, and finally his current work as the Rector of the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, Italy.
Fr. Bill sits down with Fr. Ganza, where he shares the story of struggles in his home country of Rwanda, his vocation and accomplishments as a priest, and the current state of Rwanda today.